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?? Patrick O'Neil & Bridget Hart ??

At this point in time, it has not been proven that Patrick O'Neil and Bridget Hart are the parents of Thomas and James O'Neil. There are good reasons both for and against accepting this hypothesis.

It is undoubtedly true that Thomas and James were both born in Ontario, Canada and moved to Michigan at a young age. Thomas stated that he was an orphan and that his father's name was Patrick so this information is likely true. The only Watson listed in Ontario was Watson's Corner in Lanark County and there was a Patrick O'Neill living there from 1822 until his death in 1860.

The obituary for Thomas mentions a half-brother but mistakenly identifies him as John Lancaster. It is fairly certain that the children of Ann Hart and Joseph Lancaster were not related by blood to Thomas and James O'Neil. There is a verified son of Patrick O'Neil and Margaret McKittrick, Patrick's second wife, who died before he married Bridget Hart.

Patrick O'neil

Born: c. 1799 - County Wexford (?), Ireland
Died: 11 June 1860 - Dalhousie Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada


Bridget Hart

Born: c. 1807 - County Longford, Ireland
Died: 21 November 1859 - Dalhousie Township, Lanark County, Ontario, Canada

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Based on the reminiscences of Harold and Betty O'Neill, compiled by Teresa (Terry) O'Neill. 

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